Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Art in the Park and a New Yorker visits

This weekend we had company from New York here, Dan's sister Anita, she came for a brief visit, only Friday AM to Sunday AM but we had a great time. It was a beautiful weekend weather wise which is always a blessing when a New Yorker comes down, considering the perpetual gray sky they live with. LOVE LOVE New York don't get me wrong I will always be a New Yorker and damn proud of it but they do have the worst weather. Anyway she came and we enjoyed the sun and the company. Made a great dinner Friday night crab legs and ribs. Went to Zac's soccer game on Saturday, Farmers Market, lunch on the Reedy and more sun, followed by an awesome dinner at Bonefish, before we knew it we were taking her to the airport Sunday.
Gabi and I went to Art in the Park as I had to capture the event for the Journal. We both got some nice jewelry. Best of all we enjoyed the art together and some mother daughter time. Enjoy the images. You can probably see some in this weeks Journal too.

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