Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Art in the Park and a New Yorker visits

This weekend we had company from New York here, Dan's sister Anita, she came for a brief visit, only Friday AM to Sunday AM but we had a great time. It was a beautiful weekend weather wise which is always a blessing when a New Yorker comes down, considering the perpetual gray sky they live with. LOVE LOVE New York don't get me wrong I will always be a New Yorker and damn proud of it but they do have the worst weather. Anyway she came and we enjoyed the sun and the company. Made a great dinner Friday night crab legs and ribs. Went to Zac's soccer game on Saturday, Farmers Market, lunch on the Reedy and more sun, followed by an awesome dinner at Bonefish, before we knew it we were taking her to the airport Sunday.
Gabi and I went to Art in the Park as I had to capture the event for the Journal. We both got some nice jewelry. Best of all we enjoyed the art together and some mother daughter time. Enjoy the images. You can probably see some in this weeks Journal too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ok so I am a rock star photographer after all......LOL! These are images from the Edwin McCain concert at Euphoria here in Greenville, friday night. It was so much fun. He is an awesome performer and we all had a great time.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Concert Photographer?

Ok so today I get a call from the Greenville Journal, I was supposed to casually photograph a couple of the events going on downtown this weekend, but today they tell me that one of them is going to be a lead story and they need me for two Euphoria events. One is the Edwin McCain concert tonite!!!!!! So while she is telling me the details I am thinking I can't do this, I've never photographed a concert and had press priveledges before. So right as I am about to say "i am busy" because I am basically scared to death, I hear myself say ok I can do it?????? Oh my god what am i thinking..............? so here I sit just before I leave to go be a photographer (that is what I am I am guessing) with media priveledges and if i feel like I gotta get up on that stage to do this job, by gosh I am going to do it!!!! Stay tuned, hopefully for some awesome shots!

What happened to my blog???

I can't believe that I have not put anything on this blog in so long. I have to believe its because I am feeling like no one is listening (as my 14 yr old daughter would say "ya think") so I am going to undertake a new and improved way of blogging. I receive blog emails every couple of days or so from this photographer, she sends an email to friends, relatives, clients etc, just with a couple lines from the blog and if you are interested you can click the link and go read more. So thats my new deal. If you receive an email from me you can either go and read the blog or ignore it but at least if you do visit you will see some interesting photography and maybe some funny stories about my life as a mother, photographer and parent. I am willing to give it a try at least.
So what have I been doing creatively lately? Let's see I had alot of fun with babies as usual here is a small sampling..................don't you just love the sock????
Oh yeah by the way if you don't care to see what I am up to...just email me back and say take me off please and i will gladly do that. If you like what you see and know of anyone who might enjoy my services feel free to forward it on. Word of mouth is the life line of my business. Thanks for listening.