Friday, January 15, 2010

Adding Clothes to our Products!

Even after all the hoopla of Christmas and New Years we found it necessary to bolt outta here and go to Nashville for Imaging USA which is the annual convention of Professional Photographers of America. Its always an inspiring and motivating experience. This year was overwelming though. Not sure if its the economy and photographers are looking for any and all ways to do business better or just the nature of the industry but it was mobbed. I have never seen so many people in one place before. Over 10,000 photographers attended. The trade show alone was something you had to take in small doses. Tate and I had a great time, learned alot, got very motivated and excited about our craft and came home with a few cute things. We purchased the outfit shown above, another one in pink and a couple of hats for boys. We are hoping to incorporate more clothes into our childrens portraits, its so awesomely creative to put a child in something like this and go to town. Thanks Claudia for bringing your sweet baby in. We had a great time!

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