Monday, March 2, 2009

Global Warming - Really?

Well I've never believed in the global warming scare but now that I am sitting on 5 inches of snow AND in South Carolina in March I am hoping that some of the rest of the world will get it and see that Al Gore is an idiot. Sorry but he is! Anyway, last night at about 4:00 PM what had been a very very rainy weekend turned into a snowy one, when the rain that had been pounding us for 3 days turned to snow. Soon it was alot of heavy snow and the forecast became 2-4 inches. Then at 8:00pm, the power went out and stayed out all night. We played some charades (or at least our version of it) and lights out (already out of course)at 9:00 something. I awoke at 4AM thinking it must be morning. Freezing as I stuck my nose out from under the covers. Back to sleep and awoke to Dan almost leaving for work at 6:45AM, still no power, he must have wanted a hot cup of coffee and heat BAD! After the kids got up and we realized we couldn't survive here for long out of the bed we headed over to Uncle Tate's for some joe and heat. Finally after we decided to come home and try to tough it out at 10:30AM it came back on just before 11:00AM. Thank you lord!!!!

So here is what snow looks like in the south. Tonite is supposed to be only 17 so who knows what tomorrow will bring but 65 and 70 degrees by weekend and then IT BETTER BE OVER! This has been the longest and coldest and grayest winter in the 5 years I have been here and maybe just maybe people will start to see that its not getting warmer by any means and then after that hopefully before we are all broke and all the small businesses have gone out of business, people will realize that the government is the PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION!

1 comment:

mrsolley said...

Hey want to discuss global warming over a photo session? I could bring a portion of a glacier and we could calculate how much CO is emitted from cars and cutting of trees. Then we could look at the background concentration in SC and compare to CA. That sounds fun!