Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A need for a bright spot!

Looking at this photo I remember specifically what it felt like standing there in the way too hot sun looking down at the beach and wondering if my freckled skin could take another day of sun. I remember the smell of the ocean and how happy that smell makes me, the taste of the salt water when I got hit by a wave. I remember how happy I was to be there.
Today with the cold weather, I need to think of this beach and think of better days.
Its been a hard week, one of those weeks when you get kicked in the teeth and still have to get up and continue. When you ask yourself what and why you are doing what you are doing, what's the point anyway?
Today I feel like there is no point, so i decide to take the day off from my work life and go in the kitchen and make something with my hands. Something everyone will approve of tonite when they all get home and not something anyone will judge, except to say "Mom, this is so good" and today that will have to be enough for me.

1 comment:

Alise said...

More posts! More pictures! Hahaha.

(And yes, working with your hands is sooo nice and needed sometimes).