Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Its New Year, Renewal of Blogging AGAIN!

I think I said enough with my title there, yes I will try again, if at first you don't succeed then try try again, I always say.

This post is about my new friend Pinterest. If you don't have one, let me know I will send you an invite, for me it is the greatest thing since the internet itself. You know how you are always on the internet surfing around and you find a recipe or an outfit you like and you get side tracked and lose track of what you were looking at or just think you will one day have a miraculous event and remember where you saw that awesome turkey burger recipe, well now you will, cause you can "pin it". With Pinterest! You click the little "pin it" button you download to your bookmarks and magically it goes to a board where you have categorized the things that interest you. This is where I am saving recipes I want to make, clothes I want to some day buy, ideas for my photography, my photography itself to share with others and just today started a board for ideas of what to wear for your family portrait. Its my archive of the internet and all the the world wide web has to offer. I just LOVE it, made a whole meal this past weekend using recipes I found there AND found some awesome food blogs along the way. Believe me you will love it!

I am warning you it is highly addictive! Happy Pinning!!

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