Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer is here!

Summer has arrived in South Carolina once again, it took a little longer this year than in past and its alot different in that we are getting rain this year and lot of it. I think God has the perfect plan, when there is a drought for several years he gives us rain for a whole year to catch up. Maybe he was busy somewhere else and didn't notice that we were dry and its not a desert here but he is definitely in control now. Everything is growing like crazy and our evenings are full of strong storms that drop alot of rain and then another lovely day begins and it starts all over again. Its really not bad, I kindof like it. Keeps the watering can out of my hand.
Its been a busy spring and the start of a busy summer, I hope it stays that way. I will post some new stuff from the past couple months for the heck of it.
The kids are out of school now and thinking about where I will be in Fall is just crazy. I don't know how I got to a place where I can have a sophomore and a 7th grader. My lfe seems to have moved along so quickly especially these past 5 years. Its summer, than school is back in, then its Christmas and New Years and Easter and Summer again......is it age? I don't know but I will continue to try to drink all the moments in and make the most of them all. Enjoy the photos!

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