Thursday, March 8, 2012

Angel Baby

Some babies smile all the time, some babies smile only for people they know, parents, grandparents, people close to them.
This can present a problem when you are a children's photographer.  Since Mom's see their children so happy and smiling, when they are paying to have portraits taken they want to see that same smiley face.  Unfortunately there is not recipe to get that smile.  This little girl and others I have in my Bella Baby Club right now stand strong in their determination NOT to smile at ME.  Sometimes I feel like their will not to smile is greater than my determination to get a smile and let me tell you some times its a circus in the studio.  The lengths I will go to are nothing short of hanging from the ceiling. 

Sometimes what we end up with is even more beautiful than a smile ever thought of being - this sweet angelic face is one of those times and take a look at those toes!!!  I just LOVE it!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Should You do a Beautiful You Session?

When was the last time you had your photo taken professionally?  I've been asking women that a lot lately and the answers have been anything except recently, "when I got married, my senior portrait, my maternity are some of the answers".  And then they make this face like "why would I want to do that?"

Well the reason you would want to do that is because as women we NEVER do anything for ourselves, we nurse and feed and love and take care of everyone else and look in the mirror and run away as fast as we can.  Wouldn't it be nice to get your hair and nails and make up done, put on something you are comfortable in and take some gorgeous photos where the focus is only you and walk away feeling better about yourself and have a keepsake of a time in your life?  We have so many images of everyone and where are we?  Behind the camera!

Take a moment to think about the legacy you are leaving behind of yourself, how will you be remembered?  Its not about the clothes, lingerie or gorgeous dress, whatever it is that makes you feel beautiful....its ABOUT YOU!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Its New Year, Renewal of Blogging AGAIN!

I think I said enough with my title there, yes I will try again, if at first you don't succeed then try try again, I always say.

This post is about my new friend Pinterest. If you don't have one, let me know I will send you an invite, for me it is the greatest thing since the internet itself. You know how you are always on the internet surfing around and you find a recipe or an outfit you like and you get side tracked and lose track of what you were looking at or just think you will one day have a miraculous event and remember where you saw that awesome turkey burger recipe, well now you will, cause you can "pin it". With Pinterest! You click the little "pin it" button you download to your bookmarks and magically it goes to a board where you have categorized the things that interest you. This is where I am saving recipes I want to make, clothes I want to some day buy, ideas for my photography, my photography itself to share with others and just today started a board for ideas of what to wear for your family portrait. Its my archive of the internet and all the the world wide web has to offer. I just LOVE it, made a whole meal this past weekend using recipes I found there AND found some awesome food blogs along the way. Believe me you will love it!

I am warning you it is highly addictive! Happy Pinning!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Santa is Coming Once Again!

Last year Santa came to the studio on a Saturday. He flew in and like a little girl I was in awe. He was so magnificent with his large presence and quiet voice. The whole day was like magic for me and all the children who came to sit on his lap and talk with him. Once again our day with him approaches and I am so excited to see him. When he left my business last year I felt so honored and blessed that he took the time to come and see my clients children and us and now I am even more excited that he decided to return. This is the time to give your children the magic of Christmas by not sitting in some line at the mall but letting them talk with him and read a book with him, share in that special magic he brings. Call today to reserve a spot, I promise you won't be disappointed!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Doors and New Outdoor Sessions

We've taken it outdoors lately...well not really outdoors but to our new natural light studio. When we rented our space one big selling point for us was the warehouse space in the back, not only for the storage but also for the overhead door and possibility of using natural light. We started out there with a red door last year, this year we've added a bunch of different old doors and hard wood floors and now we are shooting seniors, children and new babies on it and loving the results. Contained natural light is the most beautiful light, better than being completely outdoors. Its amazing how eyes pop when you put them in this environments Having this new studio though HOT here in SC has completely renewed our creativity and we have been loving the results. Enjoy a couple of the images we made using it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Town!

Recently we had the privledge of attending and being a vendor at Baby Town which was sponsored by Parkside Pediatrics and Park Place Childrens Center. It was a wonderful time for all expectant and new Mom's to talk with vendors who can help them solve problems or give them solutions to things like nutrition, clothing, day care, health care, photography and more. Here are a few of the images from the event.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Last night we watched "Social Network" which is the story behind Facebook. Many things surprised me about the story and it caused me to think about life before Facebook and life after. I had no idea going in what actually transpired with the birth of Facebook, but I gained a real appreciation for people with an anatyical and their creativity. Being creative is different for everyone who is creative. I had no idea that someone so left brained could be creative but Mark Zuckerberg was just that, according to the movie he had some inspiration and didn't solely dream up the idea of Facebook but he did have the ability to see a blank space and create something using coding. He was depicted in the movie as someone without alot of social skills, which if true probably helped him find a way to be social from behind the computer. I did not know there were so many people involved and that one of them was Sean Parker founder of Napster. I remember when Napster came into being, I was one of the users of his site, being a photographer I hate to admit that, but I was new to the computer, home with babies, and just killing time. I tried to remember when I first knew about Facebook, I know I had a MySpace at the time which I didn't love using. I know that Facebook had an ease of use I really liked. Its taken time to learn all the uses and misuses of Facebook, as it is an ever changing anomaly, once you get used to using it, it get changed. In our business we spend alot of time learning how it can help our business and I am always amazed at the amount of people in my life, past and present I've reconnected with through Facebook. How could I ever know what my best friend in Boston's dog ate this morning for breakfast if not for
Here's a little trivia for you to think about and ask yourself it applies to you, the average person logs on Facebook 4 times a day and is on for an average of 55 minutes a day. Are you one of them?