Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Last night we watched "Social Network" which is the story behind Facebook. Many things surprised me about the story and it caused me to think about life before Facebook and life after. I had no idea going in what actually transpired with the birth of Facebook, but I gained a real appreciation for people with an anatyical and their creativity. Being creative is different for everyone who is creative. I had no idea that someone so left brained could be creative but Mark Zuckerberg was just that, according to the movie he had some inspiration and didn't solely dream up the idea of Facebook but he did have the ability to see a blank space and create something using coding. He was depicted in the movie as someone without alot of social skills, which if true probably helped him find a way to be social from behind the computer. I did not know there were so many people involved and that one of them was Sean Parker founder of Napster. I remember when Napster came into being, I was one of the users of his site, being a photographer I hate to admit that, but I was new to the computer, home with babies, and just killing time. I tried to remember when I first knew about Facebook, I know I had a MySpace at the time which I didn't love using. I know that Facebook had an ease of use I really liked. Its taken time to learn all the uses and misuses of Facebook, as it is an ever changing anomaly, once you get used to using it, it get changed. In our business we spend alot of time learning how it can help our business and I am always amazed at the amount of people in my life, past and present I've reconnected with through Facebook. How could I ever know what my best friend in Boston's dog ate this morning for breakfast if not for
Here's a little trivia for you to think about and ask yourself it applies to you, the average person logs on Facebook 4 times a day and is on for an average of 55 minutes a day. Are you one of them?