Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentine's Day and Winter Be Gone!

Finally we are through January, thank you! How I wanted to see January come in December when we were in the middle of the stress and the parties and the present shopping, cooking, eating, drinking, excess, excess...January looked so lovely sitting on the horizon with its quiet nothingness. We all rest, hungover by December, breathe and then wait. Wait for life to start up again, for us all to recover and then February arises out of the smoke and arrives and we see red and love and roses and see that Spring will come again.

I have come to love Valentine's Day...not for the gifts of chocolate and flowers as much as for the promise of the newness that is coming after VDay. January is gone, February the short month is here and life is back to what we know it to be with its routines and schedules and sameness. I will be happy for that sameness for now.