Monday, July 28, 2008

So Much to Blog about!

Well I am back from NY, with lots and lots of images and lots to talk about. Where to begin? First the picture taking begin with a reunion of sorts with some high school friends. We all met at The ValKin in Valatie, NY and had some fun at the Tiki Bar, great to see Johnny Yezzi, its been at least 20 years. Also Margaret and Debbie and Sam, thanks for coming guys it was fun. Enjoy the photos, stay tuned for another installment of my trip to come.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Maybe not so bad afterall........

Well my boy came home this weekend, no worse for the wear and maybe just maybe he won't be dropping out of scouts and he might even go again next year. Seems that after all was said and done he wasn't left with such a bad feeling about it. I guess camp is that way for young kids, something you have to get thru the first time, get away from Mom and see what it is that she actually does for you and appreciate it all and then enjoy the independence that comes from being able to go away for short periods.

This week its off to New York, me and the kids, Dan will be home for one week and I will stay up North visiting friends and family for one week come home and leave the kids there to enjoy some time with cousins and family.

Will bring home some photos of hopefully good (probably more likely gray) weather and scenery from our home in upstate NY.

Stay tuned..........

Friday, July 11, 2008

Zachary goes to camp!

Well I had every intention of having an entry here for my son Zac's first visit to boy scout camp and images of the great time he is having. Unfortunately the only photos I would have gotten were of him crying...................seems he is not loving the camp life all that much after all. After much questioning on my part about why I should leave him there miserable, I did come home empty handed giving him 2 more days and promising to send Dad up to spend the last night with him. So Dad left a little while ago for NC to be with our little boy and settle my stomach and heart.

I think a big meal and alot of kisses are in store for him when he gets home!

Babies Babies!

Essence Arianna six months!
This is one the most adorable babies I have ever photographed, she's not big on smiles in front of the camera, I sure could eat her up!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vacation in Myrtle Beach!

We LOVE Myrtle Beach! I must say that in moving here from upstate New York, I thought of the idea of Myrtle to be similar to Lake George NY only with an ocean and that couldn't be further from the way it is. Yes I guess there are parts of it that resemble Lake George with all the tshirts and knick knacks but the beach is so awesome and all three hotels we stayed in were too.
This year our friends had extra time in a timeshare with Wyndam that they couldn't use so we hopped in as they left. Ocean Blvd is a beautiful property with great amentities. We had so much fun and relaxed so much. Then we moved to mid Myrtle to their Sea Watch property and loved that too. We've been to Hilton Head and I think Myrtle is way above Hilton Head and would go back again and again. Thanks Colkers!!!!